Image description. This is a three-quarter headshot of Dilys Wyndham Thomas. Dilys, a woman, is standing in front of a brick wall. She is tilting her head back and grinning. Her eyes are closed.  Photograph: © 2021 Karyn Mychal.

writer’s bio (150 words or less)

Dilys Wyndham Thomas (she/her/hers) is a British and Belgian emerging writer and editor. She grew up in Belgium and Saudi Arabia. studied in France and has since lived in Germany, Jordan, the UK and The Netherlands. She recently moved to Haarlem, in the Dutch province of Noord Holland.

Like so many others, Dilys rediscovered writing during the pandemic lockdowns. She began submitting her work in 2021. Since then, her poems, short stories, book reviews and interviews have appeared in Beyond Words, Eunoia Review, Prometheus Dreaming, Passengers Journal, Rust and Moth, San Antonio Review, Treehouse Literary Review, Wild Roof Journal, and Willows Wept Review, amongst others.

She is currently working on a collection of short stories as well as a poetry pamphlet, Breakwater, which was recently longlisted for the Mslexia Poetry Pamphlet Contest 2022.

Dilys also volunteers as an assistant poetry editor at Passengers Journal and hosts feedback groups for Strange Birds Migratory Writing Collective.